
SCA Solves


big problems with
today’s school system.

Schools have too many learners per class.

At SCA classes never get
bigger than 24 learners.
No child goes unnoticed.

Classes are disengaged & distracted.

Our teachers are enthusiastic
and treat their job as a calling.
Oh, and a strict cell phone
policy seals the deal.

In RSA only 50% of Grade 1 students matriculate.

We are very proud of our 100%
Grade 12 Pass Rate. In an
environment that fosters
learning, your child excels at

Sometimes schools do not adhere to correct standards.

All of our teachers are qualified
& SACE registered. Our school
is also registered with the
Independent Examination
Board (IEB), ACSI and Umalusi.

Violence. Drugs. Bullying. Morality in schools are declining.

Our faith-based environment
and culture of discipline
empowers learners to become
outstanding members of

Kids often feel alone & afraid at school.

We are a family – your child’s
second home from home. At
SCA, every child matters and

Schools apply too much pressure.

Stress does not improve a
child’s development. At SCA
we strike the balance
between work output and a
child’s well being.

Schools overlook emotional & social skills.

Although we have high
academic standards, we
believe in developing a child
holistically, not just

God is no longer the foundation of our educational system.

We are a Christian School.
Unapologetically so.

Getting your child enrolled is a mission.

No worries. We make that
easy, too. Apply today and get
confirmed within 5 working

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